As I am continuing to learn WinRT and its component, I spent sometime
learning new native controls that are available for use in Metro style
applications designed for Windows 8. One of those controls is GridView.
This control can be easily visualized by looking at Windows 8 start
screen. You see groups of tiles, scrollable horizontally. This is what
this control is all about: presenting a list of items in a horizontally
scrollable container, which can be further grouped. In the case of
grouping, the control essentially just deals with list of lists.
In the example below I will be using data that comes from WCF SOAP based service. It exposes a list of contacts, where each contract has just a handful of properties:
Read full article here
You can download the entire demo here
In the example below I will be using data that comes from WCF SOAP based service. It exposes a list of contacts, where each contract has just a handful of properties:
Read full article here
You can download the entire demo here
.Net Grid is the best performing grid on the market adapted for real-time applications and displaying huge data volumes. Thread protection makes it safe to use with MVVM model dapfor. com